Zwei Songs vom aktuellen Album "Vagabon" in neuen Überarbeitungen plus Video

Vagabon hat zwei neue, alternative Versionen von Songs ihres Albums "Vagabon" veröffentlicht, "In A Bind (Strings Version)" und "Wits About You (Saxophone Version)", Letzteres begleitet von einem Musikvideo, das ihr unten seht. Auch die neue Version von "Wits About You" hört ihr unten. Folgendes kommentiert Vagabon (bürgerlicher Name Lætitia Tamko) zu den Videos und ihrer Motivation, die beiden Stücke einer neuen Interpretation zu unterziehen:
"When recording 'In a Bind' for the album, I struggled with what arrangement was best for this song. Originally, I thought it should include soaring strings and be very theatrical and dramatic. A few days before I was meant to hand in the album, I did away with the strings and found that to be the best decision given the context of the album as a whole. I'm glad this string version gets to see the light of day with this video directed by Maegan Houang. I like for my videos to give the listener a visual perspective they may not have thought of when left to their own imagination. In listening, it's easy to hear 'In a Bind' as a love song but through this video I wanted to show what was in my imagination. As I stand through all the disasters, lyrics such as 'my body's gone awry' take on a new meaning, a meaning the listener didn't imagine. It felt perfect to pair this visual with the alternate string version of the song."
Vagabons aktuelles, selbstbetiteltes Album erschien 2019 und wurde von besten Kritiken begleitet, so führten u.a. die New York Times, Pitchfork, Billboard, NPR, Paste und UPROXX das Album auf ihren "Best fo 2019"-Bestenlisten.
new music video for new version of “In A Bind” shot in Narnia /
— Vagabon (@vagabonvagabon) March 10, 2020
thank you for viewing /
we all put our foot into this one /
DIR @houangm
full credits and full video: